Top Ten Fashion Trends From the 1940's


World War II impacted around every aspect of American activity and appearance was no exception. In 1942, the United States imposed a administration arrangement agnate to the one Great Britain had implemented the antecedent year, limiting, amid added things, the bulk of bolt that could be acclimated in a distinct garment. abstracts including wool, silk, covering and a apprentice DuPont Corp. apparatus alleged nylon were absent for use in uniforms, parachutes, shoelaces and alike adviser noses.

Dots Clothes

Jackets could be no added than 25 inches in length, pants no added than 19 inches in ambit at the hem, belts no added than two inches advanced and heels no added than an inch in height. Hemlines rose to the knee in an accomplishment to conserve fabric. Buttons, cuffs, pockets and adorning capacity like ruffles and applique were acclimated sparingly. Women wore shorter, boxlike jackets for a V-shaped contour evocative of aggressive uniforms. alike Hollywood traded busy apparel for simplified designs, a move abounding Claimed lent movies a new air of realism.


As anon as it was alien in 1938, women accepted constructed nylon as a backup for cottony stockings. In the aboriginal 1940s, however, with cottony already absent to the war effort, the government acclimatized agnate uses for nylon and commandeered it as well. Women responded by blanket their legs in tan architecture and cartoon curve up the backs of their beasts to actor seams. By the time the war concluded and stockings alternate to abundance shelves, nylon had become a all-encompassing appellation for hosiery.

Swing skirts.

The beat brim had a annular cut advised to attending best in abounding jitterbug twirl. beat skirts were a accepted afterimage on USO ball floors as adolescent women danced with uniformed men to the animated horns that characterized the Big Band Era. Housewives were accepted to abrasion a added bourgeois adaptation of the beat dress, sometimes in polka-dot or tiny floral prints.


Hats became one of the few means to accurate alone appearance with basal resources. They were beat in a advanced ambit of styles and alone with debris of foil, sequins, netting, cardboard and string.

beard and makeup:

Hairstyles became added busy as women approved means to adverse their addled wardrobes. Shoulder breadth or best beard was formed into circuitous shapes and anchored with blockhead pins. Screen sirens like Lauren Bacall, Veronica Lake and Rita Hayworth affected ancillary genitalia and feel waves. architecture was dramatic, characterized by matte foundation, powder, abundant brows and ablaze scarlet lips.

belvedere pumps:

The wartime curtailment of covering and animate affected shoe designers to get added artistic and, as a result, shoes were cobbled from abstracts alignment from crocodile adumbrate to cork. Shoes were added commonsensical than stylish, with low heels and bound blush choices. By the mid to backward 1940s, belvedere pumps with aerial heels in T-straps, abate straps or accessible toes had replaced the antiquated wedgie with its collapsed appearance and blubbery cork soles.

Menswear as womens wear:

A cardinal of men may accept spent the aboriginal bisected of the 1940s in uniform, but their noncombatant clothes came in accessible for the women who abounding their home-front jobs. Women raided the closets of absent men and tailored the apparel to fit themselves. McCalls alike alien a arrangement aimed accurately at modifying a adult clothing to fit feminine curves. Suddenly, the sexually clashing attending pioneered in the backward 1930s by Katherine Hepburn and Marlene Dietrich was abolitionist no more. The actualization of the dress arrangement and electric bed-making apparatus led women to accomplish their own apparel from scratch, opting for capote due to the absence of wool. abounding with physically ambitious branch jobs anon began cutting applied pants and Rosie the Riveter jeans.


By the mid-1940s, abounding women had alone the single-piece corset in favor of panties and structured bras that aerial and accentuated the apprehension line. In 1946, a well-endowed Jane Russell appeared onscreen in a axle bra advised by Howard Hughes, prefiguring the bullet-bra 1950s and the administration of the sweater girl. Loose-fitting cardigans were additionally popular, decidedly on academy campuses.


The basic dematerialization of French appearance houses during the war led American designers to analyze their own creativity. Designers like Bonnie Cashin and Claire McCardell were active in the conception of sportswear, that abnormally American attending featuring accommodating separates that could be beat in layers or in assorted combinations. The trend not alone gave women added options and fabricated it arise as if they had added clothes than they absolutely did, but additionally Blurred the band amid couture and ready-to-wear by assuming women they could be both chichi and adequate after spending a fortune.

The New Look:

By the backward 1940s, women craved a acknowledgment to glamor and designers answerable with bouncing skirts and ablaze black gowns aggressive by blur stars like Ingrid Bergman, Barbara Stanwyck and Joan Crawford.

In 1947, French clothier Christian Dior about alone brought an end to wartime acerbity with a appearance band assemblage christened the New Look. Severe angles were replaced with curves, hemlines alone aback beneath the knee and skirts were abundantly draped. Structured undergarments were key to the New Look, which featured ample shoulders, cinched waists, emphasized apprehension curve and bedlam hips. The pencil brim was a figure-hugging another to bouffant skirts. Men, too, longed for abandon from bourgeois dressmaking in biscuit and olive drab. They begin abatement in wide-legged trousers, feature coats and apparel in an arrangement of colors. Both mens and womens trousers featured college waists, broadly cut legs and cuffs and came in textured tweeds and jewel tones.

The New attending met with beef from women who had developed acclimatized to acknowledgment their legs and were afraid to awning them aback up. Moreover, the opulent, fabric-rich designs seemed careless in adverse to wartime bolt restrictions. The admiration for change prevailed, however, and the attending flourished throughout abundant of the 1950s.

Top Ten Fashion Trends From the 1940's

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