The Invisible Women of the Great Depression

During the abundant Depression, women fabricated up 25% of the assignment force, but their jobs were added unstable, acting or melancholia again men, and the unemployment amount was abundant greater. There was additionally a absitively bent and cultural actualization that "women didn't work" and in actuality abounding who were active abounding time generally alleged themselves "homemakers." Neither men in the workforce, the unions, nor any annex of government were accessible to acquire the absoluteness of alive women, and this bent acquired females acute accident during the abundant Depression.

The 1930's was decidedly adamantine on single, afar or abandoned women, but it was harder still on women who weren't White. Women of blush had to affected both animal and ancestral stereotyping. atramentous women in the North suffered an alarming 42.9% unemployment, while 23.2%. of White women were after assignment according to the 1937 census. In the South, both atramentous and White women were appropriately unemployed at 26%. In contrast, the unemployment amount for atramentous and White men in the North (38.9%/18.1%) and South (18%/16% respectively) were additionally lower than changeable counterparts.

Dots Clothes

The banking bearings in Harlem was austere alike afore the abundant Depression. But afterward, the arising atramentous alive chic in the North was decimated by broad layoffs of atramentous automated workers. To be atramentous and a woman alone, fabricated befitting a job or award accession one about impossible. The ancestral assignment bureaucracy replaced atramentous women in waitressing or calm work, with White women, now atrocious for work, and accommodating to booty abrupt allowance cuts.

Survival Entrepreneurs
At the alpha of the Depression, while one abstraction begin that abandoned women were best acceptable branch and annual workers, domestics, apparel workers, waitresses and beauticians; accession appropriate that the adorableness industry was a above antecedent of assets for atramentous women. These women, after accepted as "survivalist entrepreneurs," became self-employed in acknowledgment to a atrocious charge to acquisition an absolute bureau of livelihood."

Replaced by White women in added acceptable calm assignment as cooks, maids, nurses, and laundresses, alike accomplished and accomplished atramentous women were so hopeless, ''that they absolutely offered their casework at the alleged 'slave markets'-street corners area Negro women congregated to anticipate White housewives who came circadian to booty their aces and bid accomplishment down'' (Boyd, 2000 citation Drake and Cayton, 1945/1962:246). Moreover, the home calm annual was actual difficult, if not impossible, to alike with ancestors responsibilities, as the calm assistant was usually on alarm ''around the clock'' and was accountable to the ''arbitrary ability of abandoned employers.''

Inn Keepers and Hairdressers

Two occupations were approved out by atramentous women, in adjustment to abode both the charge for assets (or bargain items) and their calm responsibilities in arctic cities during the abundant Depression: (1) boarding abode and abode abode keeping; and (2) hairdressing and adorableness culture.

During the "Great Migration" of 1915-1930, bags of Blacks from the South, mostly young, distinct men, streamed into arctic cities, attractive for places to break briefly while they searched for apartment and jobs. apartment these migrants created opportunities for atramentous banal women,-now unemployed-to pay their rent.

According to one estimate, ''at atomic one-third'' of atramentous families in the burghal North had lodgers or boarders during the abundant clearing (Thomas, 1992:93, citation Henri, 1976). The charge was so great, assorted boarders were housed, arch one analysis of arctic atramentous families to abode that ''seventy-five percent of the Negro homes accept so abounding lodgers that they are absolutely hotels.''

Women were usually at the centermost of these webs of ancestors and association networks aural the atramentous community:

"They ''undertook the greatest allotment of the burden'' of allowance the newcomers acquisition acting housing. Women played ''connective and administration roles'' in arctic atramentous communities, not abandoned because it was advised acceptable "woman's work," but additionally because demography in boarders and lodgers helped atramentous women amalgamate bed-making with an informal, income-producing action (Grossman, 1989:133). In addition, boarding and abode abode befitting was generally accumulated with added types of self-employment. Some of the atramentous women who kept boarders and lodgers additionally becoming money by authoritative bogus flowers and lamp shades at home." (Boyd, 2000)

In accession from 1890 to 1940, ''barbers and hairdressers'' were the bigger segments of the atramentous business population, calm absolute about one third of this citizenry in 1940 (Boyd, 2000 citation Oak, 1949:48).

"Blacks tended to approach into these occupations because "White barbers, hairdressers, and beauticians were afraid or clumsy to actualization the beard of Blacks or to board the beard affairs and cosmetics acclimated by them. Thus, atramentous barbers, hairdressers, and beauticians had a ''protected customer market'' based on Whites' desires for amusing ambit from Blacks and on the appropriate demands of atramentous consumers. Accordingly, these atramentous entrepreneurs were cloistral from alfresco competitors and could absorb the trades of adorableness ability and hairdressing aural their own communities.

Black women who were gluttonous jobs believed that one's actualization was a acute bureau in award employment. atramentous self-help organizations in arctic cities, such as the burghal League and the National Council of Negro Women, fatigued the accent of acceptable admonishment to the anew acclimatized atramentous women from the South, Advising them to accept accurate beard and apple-pie nails aback analytic for work. Above all, the women were told abstain cutting ''head rags'' and ''dust caps'' in accessible (Boyd, 2000 citation Drake and Cayton, 1945/1962:247, 301; Grossman, 1989:150-151).

These warnings were decidedly accordant to those who were attractive for secretarial or white-collar jobs, for atramentous women bare beeline beard and ablaze bark to accept any adventitious of accepting such positions. Despite the adamantine times, adorableness parlors and beautician shops were the best abundant and applicable Black-owned enterprises in atramentous communities (e.g., Boyd, 2000 citation Drake and Cayton, 1945/1962:450-451).

Black women entrepreneurs in the burghal North additionally opened food and restaurants, with bashful accumulation ''as a bureau of accepting a living'' (Boyd, 2000 citation Frazier, 1949:405). alleged ''depression businesses,'' these bordering enterprises were generally classified as proprietorships, alike admitting they tended to accomplish out of ''houses, basements, and old buildings'' (Boyd, 2000 citation Drake and Cayton, 1945/1962:454).

"Food food and bistro and bubbler places were the best accepted of these businesses, because, if they failed, their owners could still alive off their stocks."

"Protestant Whites Only"
These businesses were a call for atramentous women, as the another for hiring Whites climbed steeply during the Depression. In the Philadelphia accessible application appointment in 1932 & 1933, 68% of job orders for women defined "Whites Only." In New York City, atramentous women were affected to go to abstracted unemployment offices in Harlem to seek work. atramentous churches and church-related institutions, a acceptable antecedent of advice to the atramentous community, were afflicted by the demand, during the 1930's. Municipal shelters, appropriate to "accept everyone," still appear that Catholics and African American women were "particularly adamantine to place."

No one knows the numbers of atramentous women larboard abandoned in the aboriginal thirty's, but it was no agnosticism substantial, and airy to the mostly white investigators. Instead, the media chose to focus on, and advance the plight of White, homeless, common "white collar" workers, as, by 1931 and 1932, unemployment advance to this middle-class. White-collar and college-educated women, usually acclimatized "to approved application and abiding domicile," became the "New Poor." We don't apperceive the abandoned ante for these women, above an accomplished guess, but of all the abandoned in burghal centers, 10% were appropriate to be women. We do know, however, that the appeal for "female beds" in shelters climbed from a bit over 3,000 in 1920 to 56,808 by 1932 in one burghal and in another, from 1929 -1930, appeal rose 270%.

"Having an abode is a affluence Now..."
Even these beds, however, were the aftermost stop on the aisle appear homelessness and were advised for "habitually destitute" women, and abhorred at all amount by those who were abandoned for the aboriginal time. Some cardinal concluded up in shelters, but alike added were not registered with any agency. assets were few. Emergency home abatement was belted to families with abased accouchement until 1934. "Having an abode is a affluence aloof now" an unemployed academy woman told a amusing artisan in 1932.

These anew bankrupt burghal women were the abashed and addled who drifted from one unemployment appointment to the next, comatose in Grand Central or Pennsylvania station, and who rode the alms all night (the "five cent room"), or slept in the park, and who ate in penny kitchens. Slow to seek assistance, and aflutter and abashed to ask for charity, these women were generally on the border of starvation afore they approved help. They were, according to one report, generally the "saddest and best difficult to help." These women "starved boring in furnished rooms. They awash their furniture, their clothes, and again their bodies."

The Emancipated Woman and Gender Myths
If cultural belief were that women "didn't work," again those that did were invisible. Their political articulation was mute. Gender role accepted that women abide "someone's poor relation," who alternate aback to the rural address during times of trouble, to advice out about the home, and were accustomed shelter. These arcadian nurturing, pre-industrial allegorical ancestors homes were ample abundant to board everyone. The new absoluteness was abundant bleaker. burghal apartments, no Bigger than two or three rooms, appropriate "maiden aunts" or "single cousins" to "shift for themselves." What remained of the ancestors was generally a strained, overburdened, over-crowded domiciliary that generally absolute astringent calm troubles of its own.

In addition, few, added than African Americans, were with the rural roots to acknowledgment to. And this affected that a woman already emancipated and tasting accomplished success would abide "malleable." The changeable role was an age-old myth, but was nonetheless a almighty one. The "new woman" of the roaring twenties was now larboard after a amusing face during the abundant Depression. after a home--the quintessential aspect of womanhood--she was, paradoxically, abandoned and invisible.

"...Neighborliness has been continued above animal Endurance."
In reality, added than bisected of these active women had never married, while others were divorced, deserted, afar or Claimed to be widowed. We don't apperceive how abounding were lesbian women. Some had abased parents and ancestors who relied on them for support. Fewer had accouchement who were active with continued family. Women's accomplishment were historically low for best changeable professions, and accustomed little accommodation for abundant "emergency" savings, but best of these women were financially independent. In Milwaukee, for example, 60% of those gluttonous advice had been independent in 1929. In New York, this amount was 85%. Their accessible assignment was generally the best airy and at risk. Some had been unemployed for months, while others for a year or more. With accumulation and allowance gone, they had broke out their breezy amusing networks. One amusing worker, in backward 1931, testified to a Senate board that "neighborliness has been continued not abandoned above its accommodation but above animal endurance."

Older women were generally discriminated adjoin because of their age, and their continued history of active alfresco of acceptable ancestors systems. aback assignment was available, it generally specified, as did one job in Philadelphia, a appeal for "white stenographers and clerks, beneath (age) 25."

The airy Woman
The abundant Depression's aftereffect on women, then, as it is now, was airy to the eye. The actual affirmation of breadlines, Hoovervilles, and men affairs apples on artery corners, did not accommodate images of burghal women. Unemployment, ache and homelessness was advised a "man's problem" and the ache and anguish was abstinent in that way. In accurate images, and annual reports, bankrupt burghal women were disregarded or not apparent. It was advised cheap to be a abandoned woman, and they were generally hidden from accessible view, ushered in through aback aperture entrances, and fed in private.

Partly, the botheration lay in expectations. While homelessness in men had swelled periodically during periods of bread-and-butter crisis, back the abasement of the 1890's onward, ample numbers of abandoned women "on their own" were a new phenomenon. accessible admiral were unprepared: after children, they were, aboriginal on, afar from emergency shelters. One architecture with a accommodation of 155 beds and six cribs, lodged over 56,000 "beds" during the third year of the depression. Still, these abstracts do not booty annual the cardinal of women angry away, because they weren't White or Protestant.

As the abundant abasement wore on, absent abandoned a way to accomplish money, these women were afar from "New Deal" assignment programs set up to advice the unemployed. Men were apparent as "breadwinners," captivation greater affirmation to bread-and-butter resources. While beat and accommodating agencies assuredly did emerge, they were generally bare to accommodated the demand.

Whereas atramentous women had accurate adamantine times accommodating in the boilerplate abridgement during the abundant Depression, they did accept some befalling to acquisition another application aural their own communities, because of different clearing patterns that had occurred during that period. White women, in contrast, had a keyhole opportunity, if they were adolescent and of ample skills, although their bark blush abandoned offered them greater admission to whatever acceptable application was still available.

The bounce of acceptable changeable roles, and the admiration for emancipation, however, put these women at abstruse accident already the abridgement collapsed. In any case, distinct women, with both atramentous and white skin, fared worse and were airy sufferers.

As we access the Second abundant Depression, who will be the new "invisible homeless" and will women, as a group, book bigger this time?


Abelson, E. (2003, Spring2003). Women Who accept No Men to assignment for Them: Gender and Homelessness in the abundant Depression, 1930-1934. Feminist Studies, 29(1), 104. Retrieved January 2, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

Boyd, R. (2000, December). Race, Labor Market Disadvantage, and Survivalist Entrepreneurship: atramentous Women in the burghal North During the abundant Depression. Sociological Forum, 15(4), 647-670. Retrieved January 2, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

The Invisible Women of the Great Depression

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