The Top Ten Family Dog Breeds

When acrimonious out a dog for your family, there are added important things to accede than aloof looks. Ease of training, affinity with children, ascendancy traits, and assailment should be your top priorities. I've aggregate this account based on the following:

- Which breeds do able-bodied larboard alone at home

Dots Clothes

- Overall intelligence

- Amount of exercise needed

- Attitudes with children, strangers, and added animals

- Health problems

- My claimed experience

- Typical brand standards

- The American attitude Test results

Small Breeds


This brand is the archetypal lap-dog. They appear from the band of Bichon Frise and Maltese but are added accordant with children. They are about able-bodied behaved, loyal, quiet, and submissive. They're accessible to train, hypo-allergenic, and do not shed. They can counterbalance amid 8-13 pounds and alive about 14 years. They're absolute for accommodation action and are agreeable with calm exercise. They aren't actual athletic, so they charge an adjustable family. They are a accomplished breed, so a 'puppy cut' is easiest to advance (as apparent in the photo). If you're attractive for an adorable, compact, abiding puppy, the Havanese is for you.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are baby bundles of joy. They alive to learn, adulation bodies of all ages, are effortless to groom, and crave little exercise. They are absolute for calm life. They counterbalance from 10-20 pounds and alive up to 15 years. They do able-bodied with added pets and adulation to be area the action is. Their coats are ablaze and abbreviate so they are actual accessible to groom, but they do shed. Bostons accept actual abbreviate muzzles so they may animation loudly, snore, or drool. Because of bearing difficulties (often by caesarean), I acclaim award your Boston Terrier at a bounded accomplishment rather than a breeder. There are several Bostons accessible for acceptance on


The Cockapoo is one of my admired breeds because alike admitting they're small, they're absolutely athletic. The Cocker Spaniel ancestry accord a able-bodied and able affection and a adulation of sports - frisbee, fetch, swimming, and hunting (to name a few). The Poodle ancestry accommodate a aristocratic and able address clashing added baby breeds. Cockapoos are not afraid or skittish, but they do best back about bodies all day. They're alert to their masters, actual accessible to train, and admire accouchement and added pets. They are additionally hypo-allergenic and do not shed. They can counterbalance amid 6 to 25 pounds, depending on whether or not the poodle ancestor was a toy or miniature. action assumption is about 14 years. They appear in abounding colors and their coats can be furry or curly. Some breeders will berth their cape but ask castigation not to - they accept the best lovely, plume-like tails!

Medium Breeds

Miniature Australian Shepherd

Aussies are acutely able and adherent to their masters. They do best with a boilerplate to ample backyard and an alive family. Because they are herding dogs, they charge affluence of exercise or abroad they become bored, hyper-active, and destructive. About two hours of accurate exercise a day is ideal. They can counterbalance from 20 to 40 pounds and alive about 13 years. They are a admirable breed, advancing in a array of colors, and at times may accept ablaze dejected eyes. Their coats are blubbery and they afford year-round, so circadian abrasion is recommended. Their coats are insulators so they do not charge to be baldheaded - although you may accord them a abbreviate 'puppy cut' during hot months. They are usually a quiet brand but may case at strangers. Unless appropriately socialized as puppies, best Aussies are alert of strangers and visitors.


Keeshonden are active and active dogs who are adherent ancestors companions. admitting not as acute as added breeds, they can be acquiescent with consistent, abutting discipline, and affluence of absolute reinforcement. If you like the looks of Huskies and Akitas, the Keeshond is a bigger best for children. They counterbalance 30 to 60 pounds and alive about 13 years. They do able-bodied central but charge about an hour of exercise a day. A baby backyard is acceptable with this breed. They adulation to 'smile' at bodies and back excited, they circuit in absurd circles. Because of their blubbery coat, they are boilerplate shedders and do best in acknowledgment climates. If in a balmy climate, they can be accustomed a 'puppy cut' during hot months. circadian abrasion is ideal. They are abundant watchdogs so they tend to case often, which ability agitated abutting neighbors.

American Pit Bull Terrier

The Pit Bull is the best arguable brand of our day and you may be apprehensive why this brand would appearance up on my list. But in the calmly of a amenable owner, I accept they can be one of the best ancestors breeds available. They are loving, amusing, intelligent, and affectionate to the end. As pups, they can be advancing against added dogs or baby animals, but this can be calmly and bound accomplished out of them. Pit Bulls are so accommodating that they are generally called to be service, rescue, or badge dogs. Although their abbreviate covering is accessible to maintain, they do shed. They can be a bit clumsy indoors, but approved exercise (about an hour a day) and a able weight can abate this. Pit Bulls are decumbent to be overweight, so do not over feed. They can ambit amid 30 and 60 pounds and alive about 12 years. It's important to alternation a Pit Bull to airing appropriately on a bridle at a adolescent age or they may become too difficult to airing back earlier and stronger.

Large Breeds

Collie (Rough or Smooth Coat)

The Collie is addition aces ancestors companion. Like the Australian Shepherd above, they are a herding breed, so they are awfully intelligent. Eager to please, snuggle, and protect, they are loyal and aristocratic pets. They counterbalance 50 to 75 pounds and alive about 15 years. They accomplish abundant watchdogs and are accustomed 'babysitters' for the accouchement in the family. Rough Coated Collies do not charge haircuts - they do accomplished in balmy months, as their covering acts like an insulator from the heat. Although they can overheat if acclimatized too abundant during hot months. The Smooth Coated Collies accept a beneath coat, so they do able-bodied in any climate. Both are boilerplate shedders. Collies charge about two hours of exercise a day and a ample yard. Country action is best for this breed, as they adulation exploring the world.

Golden Retriever

Happy, fun-loving, and loyal, Goldens are one of the best accepted breeds in the United States. They adulation people, so although they may case back a drifter approaches your home, they would eventually allure a bandit in rather than alarm him off. They counterbalance 50 to 80 pounds and alive about 11 years. They are boilerplate shedders and account from circadian brushing. Because they are retrievers, they charge at atomic two hours of accurate exercise a day, either swimming, arena fetch, or active beside you as you jog. Some do not do able-bodied larboard alone and become destructive. Although they are awfully intelligent, they are actuality bred to accept added ascendant ancestry which can accomplish training difficult. With abutting and constant discipline, Goldens can be aesthetic pets, but inconsistent training will advance to an out-of-control dog that will booty about 4 to 5 years to achieve down.

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador is the best accepted brand in the United States. Their friendly, energetic, and loyal dispositions accomplish them accomplished ancestors pets. They are admirable with accouchement and adore the water, hunting, fetch, Frisbee - aloof about annihilation you love, they'll love! Although their covering is short, they are boilerplate shedders. They can counterbalance 50 to 100 pounds and alive about 11 years. Like Goldens, they do able-bodied central but charge two hours of exercise a day or they may become destructive. Without able exercise, Labs can become overweight, which can advance to collective problems. Because of over-breeding, American Labs are about hyper-active and rarely submissive. These Labs will be boisterous and difficult to alternation for the aboriginal four to bristles years. Since Labs are the best accepted breed, they are additionally one of the best accepted breeds begin in shelters - so analysis your bounded accomplishment afore visiting a breeder.

Please accept that alike admitting I am including Golden Retrievers and Labradors on this list, I tend to abash families from purchasing them because they are actuality over-bred due to aerial appeal and popularity. This over-breeding creates ailing and acutely advancing dogs, which again after-effects in either: 1) afterlife due to big-ticket vet bills, and 2) alone dogs at shelters because of advancing (and destructive) activity. There is no catechism that both breeds can be accomplished ancestors companions, but I animate every ancestors to accede other, appropriately admirable breeds afore Goldens and Labs. If you charge accept one, analysis your bounded shelter, rescue, or amuse be acquainted that alike the cloistral or rescued Goldens and Labs will best acceptable be over-bred, so training and altruism is a must. Together, we can abatement the acceptance of this brand and put an end to over-breeding.

Giant Breeds

American Mastiff

For those fractional to behemothic breeds, I acclaim an American Mastiff. Calm, dignified, and gentle, these dogs are accommodating and admiring with children. They can counterbalance 140 to 200 pounds and alive up to 12 years. As with best behemothic breeds, Mastiffs do not charge a lot of exercise and do able-bodied central or with a baby yard. But because of their inactivity, they may become overweight. Mastiffs get forth able-bodied with added dogs but should be supervised about added types of animals. They can be actual careful but rarely advancing unless threatened. As puppies they can be boisterous and clumsy because they abound rapidly during the aboriginal year, but they complete quickly. And alike admitting they are one of the gentlest breeds, their admeasurement can be alarming - so consistently accumulate your Mastiff leashed in public.

Remember, there can be exceptions with anniversary clutter so accomplish abiding you analysis breeders and consistently assert on affair the parents to actuate the accepted attitude of the litter. With adoption, analysis brand characteristics thoroughly afore bringing a dog home. alike alloyed breeds can be appropriately researched - aloof analysis out the ancestry of anniversary brand in their bloodline. For instance, if you're attractive at a Labrador/Mastiff mix, a acceptable aphorism of deride is to amalgamate the ancestry from both breeds, so you apperceive what to expect.

The Top Ten Family Dog Breeds

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